Tuesday, February 25, 2014

18 Weeks

This week was a big one for Baby Dominguez.  S/he went to his/her first concert last night!  I went to Justin Timberlake with a friend and it was awesome.  Justin is amazing and I wish we were friends. 

Baby: Right now, baby is approximately 5.5 inches, about the size of a sweet potato.

Weight: still right at 170.  I may go weigh myself somewhere else as am not convinced I haven't gained a single pound!  I'm eating close to 2,000 calories a day.  Maybe its taking some time for my body to catch up to my food intake?  Who knows!

Waist line: no gain, 40 inches

Symptoms: This week has actually been great!  I haven't really had any symptoms that are bothering me.  I haven't had a migraine in a while, just minor headaches and I can deal with that.  Sleeping is getting harder and harder but that's to be expected.  It's just uncomfortable.  And, sleeping solely on my side (previously slept on my side and back) is putting a lot of pressure on my ear and sometimes I wake up with a super sore ear, so random.  But, overall, I feel on the up right now.  I have been waiting for this time come around and am savoring it until I start to get REALLY big and uncomfortable.

Picture: this picture is a little dark, but I was wearing an outfit that was not flattering and you could definitely see a belly!  If you didn't know I was pregnant you would probably tell me to throw that shirt out, it was so unflattering.  But, as it becomes more obvious it won't be so awkward to wear.

In other news, I'm taking on some new responsibilities at work which means more travel.  Sort of bad timing, but its a great opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up.  Next month I'm traveling a bunch, I have 4 events, 3 of which are a plane ride away.  Since I have very little time in the office, I decided to move up my anatomy scan!  It's going to be on Friday and the anticipation is killing me.  But, by this time next week we'll know if I am carrying Xavier or Juliet :)

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