Monday, February 17, 2014

17 Weeks

Another week down!

I wish I could say it was going so fast.  But, I'm not there yet.  I think because I am soooo eager to find out boy or girl, so it is inching to March 7.  

Weight: still hovering right around 170, depending on the time of day.  In the morning I tend to be at 169 and at night around 171.  I had read somewhere that you should really only be eating about 300 calories more than your normal diet to meet the "pregnancy" requirements.  However, I updated the app I used when dieting (myfitnesspal) to say a half a pound weight gain per week and it says I should be eating 2,000 calories a day!  Well, no wonder I haven't gained anything.  I am not eating nearly that.  My goal is to try to do this without having to resort to eating crap and empty calories.  The biggest thing I need to do is start upping my protein.

Waist Line: Still right around 40 inches.  

Symptoms: Same symptoms as last week are still hanging around.  Migraines stink.  Still congested.  Sleeping isn't fun.  I mentioned last week that eventually I wouldn't be able to sleep on my back.  Well, it came on a lot quicker than I expected!  One day this week I was sleeping and ended up on my back and when I woke up in the middle of the night part of one of my legs was asleep.  So, I guess no more turning onto my back in the middle of the night.  The other new symptom is acid reflux.  This is a classic pregnancy symptom, so I knew it would kick in eventually.  Right now its really mild, no heartburn really associated with it.  I can just sort of feel it in my throat.  But, I suspect this will just get worse as time goes on.

Picture: I actually think I look less pregnant than last week.  It could be that my bloating is going down slightly, who knows.

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