Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Baby Dominguez Heart Beat

So, this weekend I did a somewhat controversial thing and I bought a fetal doppler.  It is a little handheld device that you can use to find the baby's heart beat.  This article really clearly states why some consider it controversial.  The reason why I, ultimately, decided to get it was to lower a little anxiety.  I'm at this awkward point where I'm not really sick anymore (well, no more nausea) but I still don't have a big "bump" and can't feel the baby move.  Also, I was able to get this pretty inexpensively, $40 off craigslist.  I would not have paid full price for it or considering renting it.

Ben is, needless to say, not happy I got it.  But, he will get over it.  While I wouldn't normally go so against his wishes, I didn't have a problem putting my foot down on an issue over $40 and something that would calm my nerves.

It can often be hard to find the heart beat right away.  But, I found it pretty quickly after I started trying, easily within a few minutes.  This is most likely because 1) I am further along than most woman who will try to use this and 2) the baby's heartbeat was right below my belly button so I didn't have to do much searching.  

It definitely made me feel better.  And, now, you get to share in the joy!  I recorded it :)

Based on my counts the heart rate is somewhere near 150-155, perfectly normal.  Fingers crossed I start feeling some kicks or flutters or something soon and won't have to worry anymore!

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