Monday, February 10, 2014

16 Weeks

16 weeks marks the end of 3 months.  At this point you could say I'm out of the "danger zone" though I'm waiting until the 20 week ultrasound for that.  

Right now the baby is the size of an avocado.  About 4.5 inches long (head to rump) and 3.5 oz.  In weeks 15 to 20, the baby will double in size.  I watched a really crazy video about it last week.  You can find it here.

Weight: As of yesterday, I am 171 lbs.  So, 1 lb!  If I continue at this rate and gain 1 lb a week, I would be happy with that.  

Waist Line: My waist line is visibly larger this week.  At 40 inches, thats 1 inch more than last week.  I'm definitely at that point where I am looking pregnant.

Symptoms: Nothing crazy this past week.  I had a migraine a couple of days and I believe I took a zofran (nausea meds) one day.  But, that was it.  Sleeping is definitely getting more difficult.  Having to lay on my side is REALLY hard.  My arm hurts form leaning on it, my ear hurts from the pillow.  I am laying on my back half the night, which is fine.  Eventually though, I won't be able to lay on my back due to the heavy weight so I'm trying to get used to my side a little now.  I'm also still having some congestion, which is very normal for pregnancy.  This really is no big deal, I'll just have to figure something out before allergy season.  Oh, and invest in kleenex or something, I've gone through 3 boxes in a month!

Picture: I took this on Friday night I think.  I'll need to get Ben to start taking these so I'm not having to turn to take it.

Any time from now on is when I could feel the baby for the first time.  Likely, this will be a couple of weeks for me, as its my first baby.  But, I am very eager for that!  All of these things make it a little more real.

Peace love and happiness!

<3 Jessica 

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