Wednesday, March 5, 2014

19 Weeks

What a week!  On Friday we found out we are having a girl!  We are beyond excited!!  If you know me, even at all, you know the one thing I wanted in life is a daughter.  So, this is pretty big for me.  We, obviously, would have been happy with a boy or girl.  But, pregnancy has been very very hard for me.  I, honestly, am not sure if I can do this again.  And, if it had been a boy, I would have felt a lot of pressure to have another child.  And, while I can't say for sure I'm not going to have any more children, there is a sense of relief that I don't feel like I have to have another child to have a girl.  We are so eager for Ms. Juliet Cecilia Dominguez to join us in 20 short weeks :)

On Friday we had our anatomy scan.  This is, traditionally, around 20 weeks and the first chance to get a ton of measurements of baby.  When I say a ton of measurements, I mean it!  The appointment lasted for over an hour.  The tech takes all of the measurements and then runs then by an onsite doctor.  Both the tech and doctor said everything looked good.  I have an appt with my OB on Tuesday, so hopefully they confirm what we heard during the appointment.

Baby: According to the internet the baby is the size of a mango, about 6 inches long (not including legs).  Ben would be very happy about this, it's his favorite fruit!  The internet says about 8 ounces, and the ultrasound tech determined 9.  No kicks or anything yet.  Though, I think I am feeling what many people call flutters.  It's really hard to tell though, it could be anything.  I'm not really worried as many first time moms won't feel anything until as late as 24 weeks so I could have another month of no kicks.

Weight and Waistline: Before I left the house on Monday I was still right around 170.  My waistline, when I measured earlier this week, was still at 40 inches.  Though, my stomach appears a little bigger.  I wonder if its not because my stomach may be growing out a little but its pulling from my sides a little?  Who knows!  Also, I fully anticipate that next week I'll have gained some weight.  When I'm at a conference I tend to eat pretty crappy, and this trip is no exception.  I've had lots of sweets!

Symptoms: Generally, I feel good.  My headaches are practically gone.  I did randomly throw up the other day, but I also had just taken a fiber and calcium gummy so that could have been it.  I have been taking a gummy prenatal, so I thought the supplement one wouldn't hurt.  It was only the second time I've taken it and I think it was what made me sick bc the time I took it before that I felt uneasy.  Other than that, the only thing that is really annoying right now is how poorly I'm sleeping.  I've been at a hotel for the past couple of days and it has been even worse!  I appreciate my pillowtop mattress more than ever when I'm away from it.  My hips are just sore all night long when I'm not at home.  And, getting up to pee 3-4 times a night is annoying.  The 2 of those things separately wouldn't be bad, but together they are so annoying!  When I have to turn around because my hips hurt, I am then awake and have to get up to pee.  And, vice versa.  It's a vicious cycle!  Overall though, I really can't complain!

Picture: Sorry about the awkward hotel bathroom picture.  But, you can definitely see some growth in my belly.  And, I didn't have a huge dinner tonight :)

Outside of baby/pregnant things, work is SUPER stressful right now.  As I've mentioned, my job was recently restructured and I'm taking on a lot more responsibility.  Part of that came with getting someone to work under me.  Unfortunately, I started getting the new responsibilities before this new girl started.  So, I'm a little bit overwhelmed.  But, the good news is that the new mgr started this week.  I am eager to get into the office and start to work with her and begin to pass some things off to her.  It's just a crazy time though and next week is no exception.  Between a conference downtown Saturday-Monday and then heading off to Denver Wednesday-Friday, I only have 1 day in the office again.  I knew this job would be more travel so I am not very surprised, but the timing of these trips all back to back is just bad given that the manager just started and I haven't been there to get her acclimated.  I was able to bow out of a trip for the week after next though, so that will be very helpful!  I have hope that in the next few weeks I won't feel so underwater.  Maybe in turn that will even help me sleep :)

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