Tuesday, March 11, 2014

20 Weeks

Well hello there!  20 weeks... the halfway mark!  If the internet is right, 6.5 inches long and 10 oz's.  This is supposed to be about the size of a banana.  I went to the doctor today who said everything looked good in the anatomy scan.  According to her size, they are keeping my due date the same.  In generally, things seem to be trucking right along.  Still no surefire signs that I'm feeling kicks or anything.  When my doctor asked and I said, I don't know, maybe?  He said that's pretty normal.  Some of what I am feeling is probably the baby, but it won't be distinct enough to pin point quite yet, unless you know what you're feeling for.  My blood pressure is still normal, 100/60, so thats good!  Nothing really much else to report from the appt.

Weight and Waistline: As I predicted last week, I gained weight this week!  A whopping 2 pounds.  Hopefully I don't continue at 2 lbs a week, as I'd like to avoid gaining 40.  But, last week I was at a conference, where food is a plenty and not good food, so I'm not surprised at all.  And, I suspect, once I'm done traveling this won't become a trend.  I'm right at a 40 inch waistline still, which is a little larger.  I've been just under that for some time.  I'm most certainly getting rounder!

Symptoms: Still feeling good.  Sleep is a pain, but that's to be expected.  I have no expectations that this will change so I'm just trying to get used to it.  You have to sleep on your side, and most things on the internet say left side.  Naturally, I prefer my right though.  Luckily, today my doctor said I can sleep on whatever side I prefer, so right it is!

Picture: New week, new location.  This time, my office bathroom!  Sorry its a little blurry.

Outside of baby, work is... going.  It's super stressful, and when you add my hormones it's a little crazy.  But, I'll get through it.  I travel tomorrow and come back Friday and then should be done for a little while.  My doctor said I can travel until beginning of June.  I'm not sure there are any events between now and then anyways, so this may be it!

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