Tuesday, February 25, 2014

18 Weeks

This week was a big one for Baby Dominguez.  S/he went to his/her first concert last night!  I went to Justin Timberlake with a friend and it was awesome.  Justin is amazing and I wish we were friends. 

Baby: Right now, baby is approximately 5.5 inches, about the size of a sweet potato.

Weight: still right at 170.  I may go weigh myself somewhere else as am not convinced I haven't gained a single pound!  I'm eating close to 2,000 calories a day.  Maybe its taking some time for my body to catch up to my food intake?  Who knows!

Waist line: no gain, 40 inches

Symptoms: This week has actually been great!  I haven't really had any symptoms that are bothering me.  I haven't had a migraine in a while, just minor headaches and I can deal with that.  Sleeping is getting harder and harder but that's to be expected.  It's just uncomfortable.  And, sleeping solely on my side (previously slept on my side and back) is putting a lot of pressure on my ear and sometimes I wake up with a super sore ear, so random.  But, overall, I feel on the up right now.  I have been waiting for this time come around and am savoring it until I start to get REALLY big and uncomfortable.

Picture: this picture is a little dark, but I was wearing an outfit that was not flattering and you could definitely see a belly!  If you didn't know I was pregnant you would probably tell me to throw that shirt out, it was so unflattering.  But, as it becomes more obvious it won't be so awkward to wear.

In other news, I'm taking on some new responsibilities at work which means more travel.  Sort of bad timing, but its a great opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up.  Next month I'm traveling a bunch, I have 4 events, 3 of which are a plane ride away.  Since I have very little time in the office, I decided to move up my anatomy scan!  It's going to be on Friday and the anticipation is killing me.  But, by this time next week we'll know if I am carrying Xavier or Juliet :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Baby Dominguez Heart Beat

So, this weekend I did a somewhat controversial thing and I bought a fetal doppler.  It is a little handheld device that you can use to find the baby's heart beat.  This article really clearly states why some consider it controversial.  The reason why I, ultimately, decided to get it was to lower a little anxiety.  I'm at this awkward point where I'm not really sick anymore (well, no more nausea) but I still don't have a big "bump" and can't feel the baby move.  Also, I was able to get this pretty inexpensively, $40 off craigslist.  I would not have paid full price for it or considering renting it.

Ben is, needless to say, not happy I got it.  But, he will get over it.  While I wouldn't normally go so against his wishes, I didn't have a problem putting my foot down on an issue over $40 and something that would calm my nerves.

It can often be hard to find the heart beat right away.  But, I found it pretty quickly after I started trying, easily within a few minutes.  This is most likely because 1) I am further along than most woman who will try to use this and 2) the baby's heartbeat was right below my belly button so I didn't have to do much searching.  

It definitely made me feel better.  And, now, you get to share in the joy!  I recorded it :)

Based on my counts the heart rate is somewhere near 150-155, perfectly normal.  Fingers crossed I start feeling some kicks or flutters or something soon and won't have to worry anymore!

Monday, February 17, 2014

17 Weeks

Another week down!

I wish I could say it was going so fast.  But, I'm not there yet.  I think because I am soooo eager to find out boy or girl, so it is inching to March 7.  

Weight: still hovering right around 170, depending on the time of day.  In the morning I tend to be at 169 and at night around 171.  I had read somewhere that you should really only be eating about 300 calories more than your normal diet to meet the "pregnancy" requirements.  However, I updated the app I used when dieting (myfitnesspal) to say a half a pound weight gain per week and it says I should be eating 2,000 calories a day!  Well, no wonder I haven't gained anything.  I am not eating nearly that.  My goal is to try to do this without having to resort to eating crap and empty calories.  The biggest thing I need to do is start upping my protein.

Waist Line: Still right around 40 inches.  

Symptoms: Same symptoms as last week are still hanging around.  Migraines stink.  Still congested.  Sleeping isn't fun.  I mentioned last week that eventually I wouldn't be able to sleep on my back.  Well, it came on a lot quicker than I expected!  One day this week I was sleeping and ended up on my back and when I woke up in the middle of the night part of one of my legs was asleep.  So, I guess no more turning onto my back in the middle of the night.  The other new symptom is acid reflux.  This is a classic pregnancy symptom, so I knew it would kick in eventually.  Right now its really mild, no heartburn really associated with it.  I can just sort of feel it in my throat.  But, I suspect this will just get worse as time goes on.

Picture: I actually think I look less pregnant than last week.  It could be that my bloating is going down slightly, who knows.

Monday, February 10, 2014

16 Weeks

16 weeks marks the end of 3 months.  At this point you could say I'm out of the "danger zone" though I'm waiting until the 20 week ultrasound for that.  

Right now the baby is the size of an avocado.  About 4.5 inches long (head to rump) and 3.5 oz.  In weeks 15 to 20, the baby will double in size.  I watched a really crazy video about it last week.  You can find it here.

Weight: As of yesterday, I am 171 lbs.  So, 1 lb!  If I continue at this rate and gain 1 lb a week, I would be happy with that.  

Waist Line: My waist line is visibly larger this week.  At 40 inches, thats 1 inch more than last week.  I'm definitely at that point where I am looking pregnant.

Symptoms: Nothing crazy this past week.  I had a migraine a couple of days and I believe I took a zofran (nausea meds) one day.  But, that was it.  Sleeping is definitely getting more difficult.  Having to lay on my side is REALLY hard.  My arm hurts form leaning on it, my ear hurts from the pillow.  I am laying on my back half the night, which is fine.  Eventually though, I won't be able to lay on my back due to the heavy weight so I'm trying to get used to my side a little now.  I'm also still having some congestion, which is very normal for pregnancy.  This really is no big deal, I'll just have to figure something out before allergy season.  Oh, and invest in kleenex or something, I've gone through 3 boxes in a month!

Picture: I took this on Friday night I think.  I'll need to get Ben to start taking these so I'm not having to turn to take it.

Any time from now on is when I could feel the baby for the first time.  Likely, this will be a couple of weeks for me, as its my first baby.  But, I am very eager for that!  All of these things make it a little more real.

Peace love and happiness!

<3 Jessica 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

15 Weeks

I just got back from my 15 week appointment with the doctor.  So far, this has been the easiest appointment I've had.  I didn't even have to take any clothes off!  I got to hear the baby heart beat, which is always a nice reassurance.  The heart rate was 145, which is perfectly normal!

Weight: I started this pregnancy at 185 (eek!) but due to a combination of morning sickness and then a cold I am down to 170.  I am going to consider this my "starting weight" and hoping to not get much above 185/190.  

Waist Line: This is the first week I've started to "show".  And, with the right clothing, you can definitely see a bump.  My waist is measuring at 39 inches which is up at least a few inches from where I started.

Symptoms: Since this is the first time I'm doing this, I'll give a quick recap of symptoms up until now as well.  I, pretty much, figured out I was pregnant when I started to have some slight nausea in Cancun, which turned out to be 6 weeks.  Then, at week 7 it got BRUTAL!  From week 7-11/12 I barely ate, was on constant nausea meds and lost 10 pounds.  It was pretty miserable.  Right around 12 weeks I started to get my appetite back, at which point I was hit with a pretty bad sinus infection.  I've also been riddled with pretty horrible migraines.  The bad news is that I'm feeling so ill all the time.  But, the good news is that everything is pretty much textbook, just a little intensified.  My newest symptom is hip pain, which again, is pretty textbook to show up in the second trimester.  I got a snoogle pillow though which is helping a ton!  

Picture: here is a picture from this past weekend.  I was wearing maternity pants, which always defines my stomach a little more since there's no waist band to block it.  It's still a combo of just regular belly and baby belly, but it's getting there little by little!

Hopefully I can get on track and consistently do these on the same day every week.  I think I am going to aim to put these up on Mondays.  See you soon!

<3 Jessica