Wednesday, March 26, 2014

22 Weeks

What a busy random week!  Well, busy and random for work mostly.  On Friday, I found out that they restructured a bunch of stuff at work and one of the outcomes is that I have a new boss.  This is a good move, just a bit of a surprise!  I liked my old boss, but he was very very hands off... too hands off for me.  The new boss has a management style that I know will work much better for me.  And, in house news, we got a new dishwasher!!  I can't wait to hook it up!  Our current dishwasher is just horrible.  It is the same one that came with the house, that was built in 1994.  So its 20 years old!  It's loud and doesn't really clean anymore.  We haven't hooked up the new one yet but I am so excited for it.  We also finally found a kitchen table and I'm going to get it next week.  I can't wait to be able to sit while I prep for dinners.

Anyways, on to baby stuff!  On Friday I took the day off to do some spring cleaning so that we can start to set up the nursery.  I also boxed up all the clothes that don't fit me right now.  There are SOO many.  I am going to have to purge some of it but I'm not ready to let go yet, maybe soon.  Once I'm finished cleaning up our current bedroom, we can paint the middle floor so that we can set up our new room and the nursery.  We looked at paint colors and I think we found the top couple.  For our room we are definitely doing a light grey.  I was thinking of doing an accent wall, but ben doesn't want to so we probably won't.  Then for the nursery we are doing a light brown.  I wanted to do a medium shade brown/dark tan, but I've been talked off that and agree now lighter is better.  The room is just so small anything too dark would be overwhelming.  The accent color is going to be lavender.  But, I don't actually think we will paint anything lavender.  Probably just decorate with lavender.  I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but we do already have a crib.  It is a very dark brown.  We need to get a dresser to match it, and probably those cube storage shelves from Ikea.  We are just going to put a changing pad onto the dresser rather than get a changing table.  

I have gotten started on our registry.  I went back and forth on whether to even have one but decided to do it in the end.  I am not registering at a specific store, because if someone wants to get off the registry I don't want them to be stuck with getting it at a specific place.  So, I found a registry that allows me to add things from anywhere, then people can just mark if they've gotten it.  One of the other benefits to this is that people can shop around if they want.  Ultimately, I don't think we'll end up having that much on the registry, because we are going to try to get most of the big ticket items.  Like I said, we already got the crib.  We are going to get the rest of the furniture ourselves.  And, today I bought a car seat!  I found a used one for a GREAT deal.  The one I wanted is almost $300 after you add a second base and I found it used, with an extra base, for only $60.  

Baby: at 22 weeks baby is about 11 inches, head to feet.  To put it into perspective thats about the length of a barbie doll.  Now I keep imagining a barbie doll growing in my belly.  She's also hit the pound mark.  Only 6 or so more to go (hopefully not tooo many more!!).  She is also moving around a lot now.  I can feel her all the time, especially after I've eaten sugary foods or had juice.  I've never been a juice drinker at all, but normally have a glass each night.  We can't feel her from the outside yet, but I'm sure thats coming soon.

Symptoms: Nothing really new to report.  Yesterday I got my first charley horse.  It wasn't that bad, but it was in my ankle, which I think is the weirdest place ever!  I used to get them frequently in my calves and sometimes feet.  I figured this is where they would hit, and probably while I'm sleeping.  But, nope, randomly my ankle.  Even though it stuck around for a while, I was able to point my toe and keep it at bay and I also happened to have bananas so I had one of those.  It hasn't come back yet, which is good, since when I have previously gotten then in my calves they would always come back.  I think one of the other reasons it happened was that I was peeing an extra lot yesterday, like noticeably a lot more.  It could be that I may have flushed a lot of the potassium out of my body by drinking too much water.  I'd rather drink too much than not enough though :)

Weight and Waistline: My waistline is just above 40 inches, so not much growth still.  But, it does look a little bigger to me.  I gained another pound this week and am at 173, but that only puts me up 3 pounds from the end of my first trimester (where I lost 15).  I'm doing my best to eat healthy.  I keep a lot of fruit around and try to eat that instead of sweets.  Of course, I have lots of sweets too!  But, the fruit helps curb some of it.  And, I do love fruit so it doesn't seem like a compromise.  Sorry for the horrible picture below.  I never seem to take these on days where I have on one of my many many cute maternity outfits!

That's all for now!  Have a fabulous rest of the week!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

21 Weeks

Hi There!  Sorry so late, work has been busy!  I was traveling all last week so finally had a chance this past weekend to keep my feet on the ground, which was very nice.  Even though I didn't get home until after 1 am on Friday, I was up early on Saturday to go to my first consignment sale!  In all honesty, I probably don't need to buy any clothes for Juliet.  But, it was a fun experience. I left with a bag full of clothes (a big one!!) for $60.  I will definitely be going back again next year.

On to Juliet!  She is 7 inches long and 11 ozs.  Still small but inching closer and closer to a pound.  This week I've felt more and more motion in my belly.  While I can't be positive it is kicks, I am pretty sure they are.  They are a little too distinct to be anything else.  Nothing from the outside, but that's to be expected.

Weight and Waistline: No weight gain this week, held steady at 172.  And, my waist line is just over 40 inches, so getting bigger.  I'm feeling fine about this.  

Symptoms: Sleeping still stinks.  I am finding if I don't sit straight up I'm getting some numbness on my left thing.  My internet searching led me to something called Meralgia Paraesthetica.  Basically, it's a nerve that is being pinched on my hip.  I was at my neurologist today (follow up for migraine appt) and he confirmed this.  Essentially, he said we can test for it but there is nothing we can do about it.  I'll just keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't get worse.  Besides that, the congestion is getting bad.  I am almost positive it's allergies.  I have been dreading the onset of allergies.  I always get them pretty bad, and with the added congestion I knew they wouldn't be fun.  Traditionally, I always get a sinus infection during allergy season.  Hopefully that isn't the case this year.

Picture: So, I had Ben take a picture of me before I put on pajamas.  And, I looked horrible!  Apparently the outfit I wore today was a bit like a moo moo.  It is big, so maybe I just need to grow into here?  Here's hoping because I have a limited wardrobe so I can't afford to not wear one of the few maternity items I own!  Anywayssss, I ended up taking another picture myself once I changed :)

As I mentioned, work has been super busy!  But, no more travel (that I know of at least!!) so things should start to settle down.  I'm taking off Friday to do some spring cleaning, so that will be nice.  Then, Ben can get started on painting and getting the nursery together.  I'd love to get the painting done by April.  We are definitely going with a tan/brown and purple color scheme and have gone to look at colors.  Before it was really just for fun, but now that we definitely know its a girl I want to look more closely.  And, Ben and I are also moving to a room downstairs so we need to look at colors for our room!  I am thinking grey walls, with the possibility of an accent wall, but that's still up in the air.  We'll decide eventually.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

20 Weeks

Well hello there!  20 weeks... the halfway mark!  If the internet is right, 6.5 inches long and 10 oz's.  This is supposed to be about the size of a banana.  I went to the doctor today who said everything looked good in the anatomy scan.  According to her size, they are keeping my due date the same.  In generally, things seem to be trucking right along.  Still no surefire signs that I'm feeling kicks or anything.  When my doctor asked and I said, I don't know, maybe?  He said that's pretty normal.  Some of what I am feeling is probably the baby, but it won't be distinct enough to pin point quite yet, unless you know what you're feeling for.  My blood pressure is still normal, 100/60, so thats good!  Nothing really much else to report from the appt.

Weight and Waistline: As I predicted last week, I gained weight this week!  A whopping 2 pounds.  Hopefully I don't continue at 2 lbs a week, as I'd like to avoid gaining 40.  But, last week I was at a conference, where food is a plenty and not good food, so I'm not surprised at all.  And, I suspect, once I'm done traveling this won't become a trend.  I'm right at a 40 inch waistline still, which is a little larger.  I've been just under that for some time.  I'm most certainly getting rounder!

Symptoms: Still feeling good.  Sleep is a pain, but that's to be expected.  I have no expectations that this will change so I'm just trying to get used to it.  You have to sleep on your side, and most things on the internet say left side.  Naturally, I prefer my right though.  Luckily, today my doctor said I can sleep on whatever side I prefer, so right it is!

Picture: New week, new location.  This time, my office bathroom!  Sorry its a little blurry.

Outside of baby, work is... going.  It's super stressful, and when you add my hormones it's a little crazy.  But, I'll get through it.  I travel tomorrow and come back Friday and then should be done for a little while.  My doctor said I can travel until beginning of June.  I'm not sure there are any events between now and then anyways, so this may be it!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

19 Weeks

What a week!  On Friday we found out we are having a girl!  We are beyond excited!!  If you know me, even at all, you know the one thing I wanted in life is a daughter.  So, this is pretty big for me.  We, obviously, would have been happy with a boy or girl.  But, pregnancy has been very very hard for me.  I, honestly, am not sure if I can do this again.  And, if it had been a boy, I would have felt a lot of pressure to have another child.  And, while I can't say for sure I'm not going to have any more children, there is a sense of relief that I don't feel like I have to have another child to have a girl.  We are so eager for Ms. Juliet Cecilia Dominguez to join us in 20 short weeks :)

On Friday we had our anatomy scan.  This is, traditionally, around 20 weeks and the first chance to get a ton of measurements of baby.  When I say a ton of measurements, I mean it!  The appointment lasted for over an hour.  The tech takes all of the measurements and then runs then by an onsite doctor.  Both the tech and doctor said everything looked good.  I have an appt with my OB on Tuesday, so hopefully they confirm what we heard during the appointment.

Baby: According to the internet the baby is the size of a mango, about 6 inches long (not including legs).  Ben would be very happy about this, it's his favorite fruit!  The internet says about 8 ounces, and the ultrasound tech determined 9.  No kicks or anything yet.  Though, I think I am feeling what many people call flutters.  It's really hard to tell though, it could be anything.  I'm not really worried as many first time moms won't feel anything until as late as 24 weeks so I could have another month of no kicks.

Weight and Waistline: Before I left the house on Monday I was still right around 170.  My waistline, when I measured earlier this week, was still at 40 inches.  Though, my stomach appears a little bigger.  I wonder if its not because my stomach may be growing out a little but its pulling from my sides a little?  Who knows!  Also, I fully anticipate that next week I'll have gained some weight.  When I'm at a conference I tend to eat pretty crappy, and this trip is no exception.  I've had lots of sweets!

Symptoms: Generally, I feel good.  My headaches are practically gone.  I did randomly throw up the other day, but I also had just taken a fiber and calcium gummy so that could have been it.  I have been taking a gummy prenatal, so I thought the supplement one wouldn't hurt.  It was only the second time I've taken it and I think it was what made me sick bc the time I took it before that I felt uneasy.  Other than that, the only thing that is really annoying right now is how poorly I'm sleeping.  I've been at a hotel for the past couple of days and it has been even worse!  I appreciate my pillowtop mattress more than ever when I'm away from it.  My hips are just sore all night long when I'm not at home.  And, getting up to pee 3-4 times a night is annoying.  The 2 of those things separately wouldn't be bad, but together they are so annoying!  When I have to turn around because my hips hurt, I am then awake and have to get up to pee.  And, vice versa.  It's a vicious cycle!  Overall though, I really can't complain!

Picture: Sorry about the awkward hotel bathroom picture.  But, you can definitely see some growth in my belly.  And, I didn't have a huge dinner tonight :)

Outside of baby/pregnant things, work is SUPER stressful right now.  As I've mentioned, my job was recently restructured and I'm taking on a lot more responsibility.  Part of that came with getting someone to work under me.  Unfortunately, I started getting the new responsibilities before this new girl started.  So, I'm a little bit overwhelmed.  But, the good news is that the new mgr started this week.  I am eager to get into the office and start to work with her and begin to pass some things off to her.  It's just a crazy time though and next week is no exception.  Between a conference downtown Saturday-Monday and then heading off to Denver Wednesday-Friday, I only have 1 day in the office again.  I knew this job would be more travel so I am not very surprised, but the timing of these trips all back to back is just bad given that the manager just started and I haven't been there to get her acclimated.  I was able to bow out of a trip for the week after next though, so that will be very helpful!  I have hope that in the next few weeks I won't feel so underwater.  Maybe in turn that will even help me sleep :)