Tuesday, April 15, 2014

25 Weeks

I've probably said this in week's past, but I most definitely have popped this week!  I officially am no longer "maybe fat".  It's kind of nice to not feel like there's any doubt that I'm pregnant to other people.  This past weekend I went down to see the Cherry Blossoms.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day!  I met a friend for brunch first then we ventured down to the tidal basin with all of the tourists.  It was nice.  I will never do it again, tourists are crazy, but now I've checked it off the bucket list.  I was worried about the amount of walking I would be doing.  And, it was a little tough.  I was certainly sore afterwards.  My tailbone also hurt a lot.  I was really concerned that I would be terribly sore the next day, but I wasn't at all.  Now that the weather is starting to get nice again, Ben and I are going to start going on walks at night.  Just something to get me moving a little.  

This week, Juliet is probably 13.5 inches long and 1.5 pounds.  That is crazy big... mostly crazy long.  And, she's certainly making herself known in there.  She is kicking a ton.  As for me, I really have no symptoms right now.  Sleeping is just not fun.  I'm getting up 2-3 times a night to pee.  But, that's really it.  No heartburn yet, no major discomfort, both things I am sure are coming.  I did gain a pound, so I'm at 179, but I can deal with that.  Actually, there is a weird symptom that has surfaced in the last week.  I can constantly taste plaque in my mouth.  It especially happens after I cough.  When I look this up in google the only thing that comes up is that you can get a plaque buildup behind your tonsils.  But, since I had my removed ages ago, I know its not that.  I'm just chalking it up as pregnancy hormones being weird.  I've heard people suggest getting an extra cleaning while you're pregnant so I went ahead and scheduled myself an appt for next month.  This will be about halfway between my current 6 month appts.  I'll have to pay out of pocket, but oh well, worth it to not get more cavities!

Over the past week or so Ben and I have been working on clearing out our downstairs bedrooms.  I'm super excited because, as I type this, Ben is painting the rooms with his sister.  I'll post a picture next week of them post paint.  Hopefully the rain we had today doesn't slow the process down.  I'd really like to set up the crib soon!

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