Tuesday, April 8, 2014

24 Weeks

Oops!  I missed last week, sorry about that.  Work has been a little busy.  And, on top of that, we are working on spring cleaning the house so we can start painting.  Ben will be painting next week with his sister who is on spring break.  Once the painting is done Ben and I will move our room downstairs.  We can also then set up the crib in the nursery.  Once things start to get moving I'll post pictures of the whole set up of the nursery as it goes.

Baby Juliet is about a foot long (!!!) and weighs just over a pound.  In the upcoming weeks she will gain about 6 ounces a week.  That is almost half a pound!  She's also taken to bouncing around in my belly all day long.  This is the weirdest feeling in the entire world.  While it was a cool feeling at first, the novelty of it has worn off a bit.  It's very uncomfortable, particularly at night when I am sitting up in bed.  I think it's because I'm half sitting/half laying so it puts a lot of pressure on my stomach which causes the kicks to be stronger.  Who knows!

As for me... I'm definitely getting bigger!  I'm up to 178 lbs.  That's 5 lbs in 2 weeks, the most weight gain I think I've ever had in this short of a time period.  I, admittedly, ate pretty crappy the last couple of weeks.  I've been craving a ton of sweets and have been doing my best to curb this with fresh fruit instead.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a good grocery trip in the last couple of weeks so I indulged in cinnabons instead :(  I know weight gain is normal, but I'm hoping I can lower my weight gain to about a pound a week.  My waistline also went up, finally!  I've been hovering right around 40 inches for almost the entire pregnancy.  I think it started as some extra fat, and as I gained belly bump, I was simultaneously losing weight so this sort of evened out.  But, this week I am at 41 inches.  Generally, I'm feeling no major pregnancy symptoms right now.  The only hiccup is that last week I found out I have a bacteria infection called bacterial vaginosis.  It's just like a yeast infection, but a bacteria overgrowth instead of yeast overgrowth.  No one really knows why pregnant women are susceptible to it.  I'm on a topical antibiotic so hopefully it goes away soon.  

You can see below that I look to be carrying pretty low.  I have no idea what this really means.  Maybe it will start to even out as I get larger?  I'm modeling one of my new zulily shirts!  I bought 5 shirts and am really bummed that a few of them don't fit.  And, unfortunately, there are no returns so I'll have to find someone to give them too.  If you know anyone who can fit a medium maternity shirt, let me know!  

In other news, we chose a shower date!  Rather than doing a formal baby shower, my mom is hosting a casual family barbecue.  Now I'm on a crunch to finish the registry this week!

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