Thursday, May 29, 2014

31 Weeks

Oh, hey!  Sorry, I haven't posted anything.  We've been super busy and work has been crazy recently.  Anyways, I'm back!

I'm officially in my third trimester.  So far, its been completely manageable.  I still have very little heartburn.  At one point I was taking zantac every day, but i just stopped and I'm still not having any heartburn.  I just take tums if I do, which might be once a week.  I had developed a pretty awful cough due to allergies.  It's gone down a lot in the last week or so, but I do use an inhaler occasionally still, when I was using it every day twice a day for a while.  I also take Zyrtec almost every day.  And, Singulair at night.  We just have SOO much dust in our house, its ridiculous.  I recently bought a groupon to get our ducts cleaned, so hopefully we can schedule that soon.  We just need to get our house situated, we are a bit between rooms right now and our upstairs is a mess!  Probably my worst "symptom" so far is how horrible sleep has become!  Normally, I don't feel huge, but when I'm in bed I feel like an elephant!!  Sleeping on my side is super hard, I was previously a back sleeper and you can't do that when pregnant.  So, I switch between sides, which seems easy enough.  But, turning over is such a task!  And, then I'm awake and have to pee.  I probably get up 2-3 times a night to pee.  I know this is just going to get worse, hopefully I can still manage some sleep!

As I mentioned, our house is in a bit of a disarray.  Ben and I have begun to sleep downstairs which is great.  We got all new bedroom furniture and I feel like we have an actual adult room now!  Juliet's room is all painted, but all that's really in there now is her crib.  My goal tonight and tomorrow is to finish organizing our upstairs, which is the new living room/playroom.  We worked on it a lot last night and I was in a lot of pain afterwards.  I went to the chiropractor today though, so hopefully I won't get bad lower back and tail bone pain again tonight.  My little sister and her friend are spending the night on Saturday, and they will be sleeping in that room.  So, I need to get it done by then!  I won't be able to do anything on Saturday because I will be out of the house, pretty much, all day.  In the morning Ben and I have a breastfeeding class, then I have a baby shower, then I'm picking up Rachel and Alexa and we are meeting Ben downtown for the DC United game.  It should be a busy, but fun day!

On to baby!  According to the internet, she is just over 3 lbs now and about 18 inches long.  That is huge!  She is moving around a ton now.  Or, maybe she's moving around the same, but I can feel it more since there is definitely a lack of space going on.  I went to the OB yesterday and she is already head down.  So, that is good news for delivery.  The Dr. said it is very unlikely that she would switch to another position.  I'm now into an appt every 2 weeks so until 35 weeks when they'll start every week.  As far as me, my belly has definitely gotten bigger.  But, it only seems to be measuring at 43 inches.  I think part of it is that I'm just sort of stretching my love handles forward :)  I'm now hovering at right arounds 185-186 lbs which is my pre-pregnancy weight.  That's held like that for the past couple of weeks, so I'm hoping it continues to move slowly.  I was slightly overweight when I got pregnant so its not a bad thing if I don't gain any weight.  I'm not dieting at all, but I am definitely eating healthier.  I try to have a salad and fruit once a day.  That being said, I also have lots of cookies.  I, almost always, have snacks in my desk drawer so I try to be healthy with my other food.

This past weekend, Ben and I went to the Nationals game with some other couples from the moms group I am part of.  Here's a picture to give you some perspective on my size!

The game was fun.  But, it was very hard to be in the heat.  I, naturally, get heat exhaustion, so if you add a bowling ball to my belly it certainly doesn't help.  Still, it was nice to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors.

This weekend is our shower/bbq celebration.  I am looking forward to seeing lots of friends and family!